The Three Graces In Indesign Jewelry Mag


Synchronicity, providence, fate, call it what you will but we all know its presence. Read about our owner Lisa Stockhammer-Mial's brush with a piece of jewelry again and again. She, among others if featured in Beth Bernstein's article from Indesign online mag on vintage jewelry entitled, "THE GEMS WE’VE COMMITTED TO: 10 STORIES WHERE THE GIRL GETS THE JEWEL."

Here is the excerpt, "Approximately twelve years ago, I found this strangely divine locket in London. It is designed in the form of a carved rock crystal walnut shell with exquisite gold and silver work. I adored it, but was just beginning my business and with trepidation, sold it to a client.

It is certainly not the most valuable piece that has passed through my hands, nor is it studded with precious gems and diamonds. Yet this mysterious locket remained in the back of my mind year after year. While we have many return clients, some with us since the beginning, we lost touch with the customer I sold this locket to many years ago. Recently, I was rifling through our very old photographic library and archives, and saw pictures of it buried away.

My regret surfaced again. Why had I sold it? Who made this and why? Walnuts possess a depth of symbolism; did a family have it custom made? So many unanswered questions went through my mine.The very next day, we received an email, asking if we might buy something back that was bought from us.

The name was vaguely familiar. It was so long ago, I personally searched, not just our usual administration system, but deep into our past records. Yes, you guessed it. It was the person with this very locket. I purchased it back of course for myself. Passing on beautiful objects brings forth such reward and joy, often times even more than possessing a piece.  But in this instance, it was kismet that this unique jewel belonged with me."