As you can see, our new website is now live! First, all constructive comments or suggestions are welcome! Your opinion is truly important to us. Our clients and visitors are at the heart of all that we do.
This is a summary of some of the changes that you will see and experience from our former presence.
User Accounts
For security, your old account, password, and sign in have changed.
Feel free to create a new account with an easier text message code sign in. There is no need to remember complicated passwords!
Wish Lists
For security, your wish lists favorites will need to be recreated. If you need assistance, email us for a list of your most recent for available for sale, wish listed items.
Our apologies, but old sold items cannot be added.
Order History
If you need any records from your previous past purchases, just reach out.
If you have bookmarked your favorite items, or sections, please delete those and re-bookmark them. Our main URL is the same, georgianjewelry.com. But sections pointing to various jewelry collections are different and must be updated.
What's Selling & Sold Items
Items in process of sale, or sold, can now be viewed in the footer of any page by clicking on this link, "Jewelry Archive". All will show as sold.
Holding an Item
Due to the structure of the new website, the option of holding a piece of jewelry is not available. Email us if you wish to purchase something, but need a few days to gather funds.
Shopping Cart
A shopping cart feature is available to allow purchases of more than one item at a time. Due to the nature of one-of-a-kind items, until paid for, those items are not held aside even if sitting in your cart. First come, first paid for, first to possess the best.
Payment Methods & Layaway
A host of new payment options is here! So are payments over time via Shop Pay.