Charitable Giving for Hurricane Harvey Relief
August 31, 2017 Everyone here at The Three Graces’ is gravely concerned for our neighbors to the south and east of us. Hurricane Harvey continues its destruction with the loss of property, homes and life, hurt to people of every age and ethnicity, separation of family members from each other and from pets and livestock, the list goes on. Many people have no home to go back to.
As an organization, The Three Graces sent immediate donations to a number of rescue organizations. In addition, for the month of September, 10% of all profits will go to charities and organization working on the ground for disaster relief.
Our photographer Zac Mial is preparing, with Thai How Are You restaurant, to spend days on the scene in Rockport (where Harvey made landfall) to feed rescue workers, law enforcement and the community as no water, sewer or electricity is available. The Three Graces is also donating to this effort.
I personally am volunteering at both the Red Cross and Austin Pets Alive to lend a small hand to the enormous and overwhelming needs that will continue for months and years.
Huge thanks go out to Bubba’s Propane for donating gas and tanks to run the food truck grills. Barely getting two sentences out when called upon, they offered any and help needed without hesitation. Also thanks to Hill Country Springs water for their assistance with bottled water. If only there were a way to thank all those who have and will assist in this devastating disaster. For updates, see our blog.
Here is a list of charitable websites in need of donations or volunteers that have been on the ground from the start.
Austin Pets Alive (working actively in Houston and surround)
Lists of many other worthy causes:
As the officials of Harris County (Houston) pleaded for citizens to aid citizens, and admitted no town, city or government could possibly come to the rescue in time, people heard the call. From the Cajun Navy, to next door neighbors, to those from other streets, town and states poured into the cities to rescue and help. Help without regard for their own safety, without regard for their jobs and without hesitation yet willingly and gladly offered their utmost. Assistance keeps coming from every corner of the US and abroad, but it isn’t enough.
Social media and phone radio apps, all came alive with impromptu human and animal rescues. Folks took to the water by boat, kayak and jet ski to rescue hundreds and most likely thousands trapped by floodwaters or wind damaged properties. Cars and trucks, trailers and any transport available ferried people and animals to points of safety. Our hearts go out to each and every one affected. The show of caring reminds us of the exceptional spirit of generosity inherent in us all.
We would love to hear suggestions from you on worthwhile Harvey Relief organzation. Thank you. Lisa Stockhammer-Mial, Owner.