Most wonder how jewelry is dated, what is the mysterious process by which something is identified as 200 years old or made 10 years ago. Here at The Three Graces’ blog we begin to explore some of the multitude of factors that go into dating jewelry. While it can take years of study, research, practice and skill to master the craft, anyone can start by learning the basic building blocks needed for a better understanding of the process.

No one aspect of a piece of jewelry will divulge the entire story and thus render a date unequivocally. Each building block is looked at in context of the whole. Some of the most important aspects or facts to examine consist of the following: materials, construction, gemstones or diamonds, gemstone or diamond cuts, overall style, condition and wear, fittings, and aesthetics. Yes, it sounds daunting but each brings with it a piece of the dating story.

For those with a desire to delve deeper, purchasing a good loupe may be one of the better investments on your path to knowledge. A recommended power is 10x and the larger the area the loupe the better to see. Rather than the standard 18mm lens diameter, try those at 22 mm or higher. While this sounds insignificant, those mere millimeters go a long way. A few recommendations begin with the Gem Oro LED Lighted 20mm Loupe from Kassoy. For the more experienced and more expensive in price, try the Eschenbach Precision Folding Loupe from Stuller. Examining and louping, whether at jewelry stores, flea markets, antique shows or in your own jewelry box teaches more than you can imagine!

Gem Oro Loupe 20 mmEschenbach Loupe 23 mm